According to Apple Daily, Wofoo Tai Po have eventually rejected the offer to return to the Premier League, and will instead accept relegation to the 1st Division. Apparently, the club struggled to secure the support from the district council as well as commercial sponsors.
The HKFA re-invited Taipo to Hong Kong’s top flight, despite finishing at the bottom last season, in the attempt to have 10 teams in the coming Premier League campaign. But in the last few weeks things turned out to be quite unpredictable: The Sun International Group withdrew from Sun Pegasus and with Yokohama FC apparently turning their back to Hong Kong, YFCMD has been taken over by Metro Gallery, which was previously invested in 1st Division champion Sun Source. Consequently, no one was promoted except for 3rd placed Southern District, now backed by Kwoon Chung bus company.
With Taipo dropping out there are currently only 9 teams left, provided that Sun Pegasus and YFCMD will continue to exist in one form or another. However, recently there have also been rumours that Wong Tai Sin might join the group of troubled teams, as there as been no news on their planning for next season, while several players have already joined other local sides.
The tentative team list for the HKPL season 2015/16:
Eastern SC
Sun Pegasus (tbc.)
South China
YFCMD (Metro Gallery, tbc.)
Yuen Long
Wong Tai Sin
Southern District